Colorado Business Lawyer since 1998

Todd M. Olinger, Esq.

Selected Publications and Lectures

Mutual Agreement: Colorado, the EPA have Come to Terms with State Environmental Program, Colo. J., July 12, 2000, at 5.

Public Rangeland Reform: New Prospects for Collaboration and Local Control Using the Resource Advisory Councils, 69 Colo. L. Rev. 632 (1998).

Summary of Indian Water 1997: Trends and Directions in Federal Water Policy (1998) (Editor).

CCD Mosaic Images of the Supernova Remnant 3C 400.2,  405 Astrophysical J. 608 (1993) (with Dr. P. Frank Winkler and Scott A. Westerbeke).

Brief Overview of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Anti-Bribery Provisions.  Lecture during continuing legal education (CLE) lunch presentation sponsored by Association of International Petroleum Negotiators on September 8, 2010.